DIY Décor: Making Central Carpet With Rugs

DIY Décor: Making Central Carpet With Rugs

Decoration and art go hand in hand and they are biggest thing that demonstrate anyone’s creativity. Making things from things is really a creative work and is not always difficult. In our daily lives, we wish to buy so many things from markets which is off course a money consuming task. Making these day to day your own is really budget favorable as well as enjoyable task. I love to make things by my own to decorate my home and trust me it’s very simple. Central carpets are so much in fashion these days. Your whole home being made of marble requires few areas of it to be embellished with central carpets. Buying them from market is off course one of top options but making them at home is very simple, easy and creative task. You can make central carpets easily by rugs in following ways:

Small Space Custom Rug Step 2

1. Gather small Rugs

Gather around 10 to 12 small or 5 to 6 medium rugs from any super market or even from carpets market. You can get funky, romantic, and cartoonish or any kind of rug from which you want to make central carpet. These rugs should be of same sizes to accommodate each other easily.

2. Combine All Rugs

Now combine these all rugs together with stapler or stitch them with thick thread if you can. Put them all in horizontal position like three in one step, three in second and so on. Continue stapling them with each other to make them stick fine.

3. Make a Boundary

Small Space Custom Rug

Make boundary with any jute rope. Keep attaching it at every point with staplers. Cover all four sides with that rope. It will make a very good boundary. Now your carpet is ready to place anywhere in bedroom, living room or dining room.